Sunday, December 21, 2014

Radiate Love

Love can be expressed in many ways... through your eyes, your heart, your mind, your touch, your expression, your body language, your actions... Be the love. Experience through the heart. See the light in others. As you radiate love out, be open to receive the love that will find you in it's own miraculous ways.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Seek Not Beyond Your Heart 

Seeking... love, happiness, wholeness, wisdom... outside of ourselves is really an unconscious habit. It is an unhealthy cycle of falsely and temporarily fulfilling our desires. We think it's about finding perfection, but it is really about remembering we are divine perfection. Total recall of ALL we are. When we see the light of truth within, our needs and desires fall away; the ecstasy of being can be appreciated for the joy of it. No seeking. No desiring. No expecting. No fulfilling. What we long for is right here, where we stand. And in this awareness our natural cycle of 'being-> loving-> creating-> becoming' can be effortlessly restored, enjoyed and shared.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Keep Off the Rocks?

Listen to your inner calling.  

Move effortlessly in your natural being.  

Follow the signs that resonate with who YOU are.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Transient Beauty

Transient Beauty ~ Maggie Kalas © ~
Nothing stays the same. Everything is in constant change. Whether you notice it or not, every moment is completely different. When you do catch yourself in between the spaces, a strange and wonderful thing happens. As one moment transitions into the next, if you let your mind go into suspended animation, an unusual sense of peace washes over you. Your awareness expands, bringing everything into oneness. This is the eternal now, and it feels like freedom.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Souls Frozen Soles

Souls Frozen Soles ~ Maggie Kalas © ~
A beautifully sunny clear day Sunday morning here on Long Island. Oh yeah, it was extremely chilly; only 20 +/- degrees.

Sunken Meadow Beach, usually filled with walkers, was seemingly empty. And then Spirit pointed out the symbolic frozen footprints left on the boardwalk by the many souls who have walked its path. They were showing me that even though we cannot see it with our eyes, the beach is never empty. It is always filled with the energy of all the souls who have left their energetic footprint.

When positive energy is left, it feels good. And conversely, when negative energy is left, it doesn't feel so good. Their message was to be aware of the energy of our being… what are you leaving with every person, place or thing?

When we choose to leave a positive footprint… in love, in joy, in kindness… we inspire others to do the same.

In those times when we have left a negative footprint... in upset, in anger, in ignorance... we have an opportunity to transmute the energy by shifting our state of being... in love, in forgiveness, in compassion... thereby recreating our soul's intended positive footprint.