Hey! Is anyone out there? Not a creature was stirring, not even my "mouse"! Forgive me, but it has been nearly 5 months since my last blog. I am happy to share once again...
In finally getting to one of John Maxwell's books, The Difference Maker, I was surprised when I read him saying that "attitude isn't everything." Maxwell admits that there was a time in his life that he truly believed it was. "If you believe, you can achieve!" In his subsequent years of experience, however, what he realized was that one needed a bit more than just a dream to succeed. An positive attitude of perseverance was certainly a difference maker, but what he discovered was the real clincher for reaching your goals --"SKILLS." It was concrete know-how, along with wishful thinking that was the key to success.
Your attitude is like Chef Emeril Lagasse secret "BAM!" spice up; your attitude may be the difference maker in bumping up your outcome, but first you need a solid recipe, all the right ingredients, formative training, a bit of talent along with practice, practice, practice before you can achieve stardom!
We are eternal beings ever expanding... From a spiritual perspective "if you believe, you CAN achieve!" But in a physical reality, you need to do the WORK! LEARN as you go. Your life becomes the vision only by participating in the unfolding of it. Do what you love, love what you do. Your attitude isn't everything, but I do believe, like Maxwell, it is "the difference maker!"
Make everyday an opportunity to master your unique skills and gifts! Then "BAM" them up a notch with an attitude of faith and optimism!
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