Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Flavoring Your Light With Peace

"Light on Earth measured at the quantum level is not a summary of the amount of light and dark parts, but rather the balance of the quotient of what the few light parts are creating for the whole. For instance, a glass of water might contain eight ounces of water, but add a few molecules of flavoring, and the entire glass of water has become "flavored water." Light is like that, where the inter-dimensional properties of the Human who meditates and prays are flavoring the entire earth's vibration."

--This is from the post script to the Kryon channelling given at the
Society of Enlightenment and Transformation
at the U.N. in NY by Lee Carroll on March 2, 2007.
You can read the entire communication at Kryon At the United Nations 2007.



Everyday we have the power to stop for even a moment to be still. Not to think excessively or to be a slave to the drama around each thought or to the demands of the external world. We can accomplish great things simply by incorporating "non-doing" on our agenda. I am not talking about "doing nothing." I am talking about doing something more powerful that you could ever do from a physical effort.

By merely intending it before a moment (or more) of meditation or prayer, you will have instantly made a difference on the other side of the planet. Do not underestimate the power of sprinkling a little goodness from your heart out into space. It will eventually seep into the hearts of all humanity. Or more accurately, shift their hearts.

Some might see this symbolic glass of [peace] flavored water as just plain water, unchanged. Just as so many dwell on the unchanged dark places that create drama all over this planet. The flavor of peace may still seem transparent; not there. However, as the sciences have already proven, there is more than meets the eye in the unseen. The "I'll believe it when I can see it" concept can now only be fully appreciated when experienced through alternate perceptions, like heightened senses and intuition.

As those around the world who are held hostage to their pain and suffering begin to crave the sweetness of this collective essence of light (which is infinite), peace on earth will indeed become realized.

Similar to the water metaphor, where it only takes a few molecules of flavor to change the water; it really only takes a few minutes a day of mindfulness to change the world. An experiment I think is worth doing, don't you?

As always, considering life from a window of light,


MagsJOY Blog

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