After entering my 48th year of this life experience, my world began to change. Not because outside forces presented circumstances that would change my life. The energy of this change began several years prior. It began when I started to get clear about my life. I focused on what I desired. I noticed what I did not like as well as what I liked. I paid attention to what was missing and what was showing up everyday. I assessed it all. I reflected on it for a while. And then I made deliberate, decisive choices.
The first choice I made was to spend time each day in meditation. Not just the usual meditation I had done previously either. I had decided to try something different. I wanted something that would help me get the energy started. What I needed was to get out of my own way and let the Universe do the work. So when I came across a Kundalini meditation from JJ Semple, Golden Flower Meditation based on the Secret of the Golden Flower, it seemed like the right choice to make. I sat for 20-30 minutes a day for more than a hundred days straight, breathing a rhythmic breath from my diaphragm. Just when I had almost forgotten about the effects of doing such a meditation, it happened. I activated the Kundalini energy within my Chakras.
That's when my life finally opened up and began to change for the better. This new energy within me cleared my thinking and offered the momentum I needed. It has been a little over a year since this pure positive energy activated within me and now I have completely transformed my life. Not just one thing, but every area has been affected. For me, it is all good. And it is still underway.
I allowed for the release of old belief systems, thoughts, actions and choices that were toxic in my life, as well as opening up to new, unexpected opportunities that emerged from my new state of being. What I have also noticed is that my positive changes has seeped into the lives of others in my inner circle. Shedding the old and embracing the is all part of the transformation process.
If you want to transform your life, you must first be willing to make deliberate changes. You must be willing to release the old and embrace the new. You must be willing to take time to be still, to get clear and to take action only when it is the next logical step on your journey.
The one thing I learned is that you must resonate with the changes you want in your life. For me, the best thing I have found to release resistance and to align with my heart's desire was to simply sit and breathe. Doing some form of meditation--breathing, Kundalini, mantras, affirmations, guided, brainwave therapy, nature walks--whatever your preference, is truly the secret to transforming your life.